jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019


Here, you can find some short tales that will keep you awake...

I invite you to participate writing your own!

I hope you enjoy them!

25 comentarios:

  1. It was a dreary night, suddenly I started to feel how my body was getting paralyzed. A knock in my door sound deeply, instantly I close my eyes, I was horrified. Then a soft small hand touched my arm, slowly I opened my eyes and I saw my little sister standing by my side. She was there, with a perturbing smile.
    Startled I wanted to shout, it was impossible... My sister died two years ago.

  2. A few days ago I moved to a new house with a gloomy and dreary where we had no neighbors. I arrived and began to settle and when I was accommodating things, a shadow appeared in the bathroom, I did not take it into account, but then I was paralyzed when I met a person in the house, he told me that he was Juan's brother (The boy who he sold me the house) helped me fix several things. The next day I told Juan what happened and he told me that his brother died at home a year ago.

  3. She woke up trembling,horrified and sweaty, like many months ago because of the continuous sibilant voices that invaded her house and her mind all the time even she was slepping. However, this time it was different since there are not noises that perturb her.She went down, to the bathroom to drink some cold water and suddenly she looked up and her mouth, which has a disturbing smile, whispered "all dead".She went back to the bed and she continued sleeping. Silence, finally silence .

  4. I was in a pitch black forest. There was hazy air and i only heard the sound of my steps. I was horrified with droplets of sweat on my forehead from walking so much.Suddenly, a slimy warm hand touch my back and I heard an unintelligible sound. I was paralyzed and I felt a heartbreaking pain. Abruptly, i was in my room. I woke up with a phrase tattoed in my skin: "You will never wake up"

  5. One night, a child was sleeping when a sibilant voice called her from the dark basement, it was her mother telling her to came down.
    The child prepared to come down, when suddenly her mother trembling and with droplets of sweat in her forehead grabbed her and said “call the police, i’ve heard it too”

  6. When I was a child, my sister Anna and I slept in the same bed. A cold winter night at three in the morning I felt like she stretched out the white sheets and I screamed: "Anna, stop stretching the sheets!". She answered me: "I am in the bathroom!"

  7. I live alone near a dreadful cementery, my mother died 2 years ago and my father or any member from my family never told me how she died
    One dreary day when I woke up I found a note over my mother's portrait, trembling and with droplets of sweat on my forehead I read it, these words were witten on the note: "Son, run away to save your life, I hope it's not too late"

  8. A long time ago my stepmother strictly told me never to go in the basement, but my curiosity wanted to see what or who was making that unintelligible and gloomy noise. It sounded like a puppy was being tortured, and I wanted to help it immediately , so I opened carefully the basement door and tiptoed down the old, made of wood stairs,they cracked below my little feets . My heart started beating fast and droplets of sweat came from my forehead.I didn’t see a puppy, I started quavering when I saw it.All of a sudden my stepmother took me out of the basement and yelled at me. She had never yelled at me before, and it made me feel horrified and I cried. Then she told me never to go into the basement again, and she gave me a cookie. That made me feel better, so I didn’t ask her why the amorphous boy in the basement was making noises of desperation , or why he had no hands or feet.

  9. I was in a disturbing building. I had a toe trapped, I was bleeding. I started to hear clanking sounds and a black voice started to talk in a language that hay I didn’t understand. Suddenly, an amorphous creature appeared in front of me. I started to scream and cry. I woke up and I had the mark of the trap in my toe... it wasn’t a nightmare

  10. One day when i was a child, my father and i went to run.He always took advantage of me and I decide to stop. In one of the curvesi lost sight of him, the last thing i heard was, run jose!!

  11. You wake up in a gloomy day. It seems that it’ll be boring just like all days of your life.
    You try to talk and say “Good morning” to your wife, but you can’t. Your mouth only evoques a dark whisper. You try and try, but it’s impossible to you to say anything.
    Then, you decide to go to the bathroom. You look up to the mirror and all that you can do in that moment is stare there. Staring at the mirror, making an effort to see something... that’s the moment when you realize you’re dead

  12. I were sleeping on my bed, when suddenly, I get up and saw a clown sleeping next to me. He had a bloody knife in his hand. It was my blood. I was dead.

    1. I was sleeping in my bed, when, suddenly, a dark voice called me. I got up and saw a scary clown, in the pitch darkness of the room, sleeping next to me! He had a bloody knife in his amorphous hand. It was my grimy blood. I was DEAD.

  13. You're in school and the new guy invites you to his party. He said everyone was coming, it was an easy way to make friends. You got there all dolled up but the house was empty, the windows where smashed and stuck to the door was the same invitation you received, except it had a bloody handprint on it with a message saying: "They did this to me, all I wanted was yo make more friends".
    You hesitate to run away, but you're grabbed by your throat before dragged into the house. You're paralised and a disturbing and sibilant voice next to you is saying: "Best friends forever".

  14. One foggy night I went to a friend's house and we saw a movie, I told her that I had to go because it was late, while i was walking I heard a clanking, a sepulchral voice that it turn called me, everything was dark en el suddenly I saw creepy shadows that ran to the tenebrous valley near my house.
    I felt scared, terrified, my knees were shaking, I started running and drops of sweat were falling on my forehead, when I was arriving at my house I saw them again, the were my friends who died in a traffic accident that same night three years ago.
    Paralyzed by fear, I noticed that someone touched me with a grimy and cold hand that told me: You will die too

  15. I was sleeping when suddenly someone whispered to me: save her, I woke up and it was all dark, there was nobody.
    I fell asleep again and heard another whisper saying save her before it was too late, I woke up terrified and i went to my mother's room, she wasn't there, there was only a note that says on " I told you not to be late"

  16. I was sleeping when suddenly the lights of my house were plugged and I woke up,quickly I looked what happened and I saw a slimy and hideous monster playing with the lights of my house, when he saw me, he came for me and I locked me in my room shocked and flickering

  17. It took me a long time to sleep last night because of the gloomy look of that intimidating painting that hung on the wall. When I woke up this morning I realized that it was not a painting, but a window through which an amorphous creature appeared. Panic-stricken, I gave a chilling scream and left the house.

  18. Being buried in total darkness was quite bad.
    But realizing that there was someone else there was scary.

  19. Every cold winter night whenever I turn off the TV a dark noise sounds and a scary face comes out that is imprinted in the dark ness of the TV staring at meas if it wanted to see me sleep.

  20. One day when I was a child, my father and I went to run.He always took advantage of me and I decide to stop. In one of the curvesi lost sight of him, the last thing I heard was, run jose! Suddenly I started to sweat, I was paralyzed for ten minutes. Since then, when I tell the history I feel very spooked and bristly

  21. It was a dark and intimidating night. I was walking along a deep way, when, suddenly, I listened to a strange sound, but I realised it had been a cat. After that, I saw something like an amorphous creature. At the same time I was thinking "if I were a reasonable person, I would start running fast NOW!".Then, it was too late. The slimy mouth of the creature was biting my leg...

  22. Every day I have the same dream, in which I am in an intimidating and tenebrous forest and an amorphous creatures appears in the fog. While I am paralyzed by fear, that amorphous creature stares at me. It scares me as each day gets closer and closer...
